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Brett Lewis | 2017 Speaker

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Brett Lewis is an early career researcher at the Queensland’s University of Technology, researching physiological changes and the behaviour of corals during climate related stress. He spent 4 years on the Great Barrier Reef diving and teaching tourists and the local population about the Great Barrier Reef ecological and sociological importance. Brett is currently undertaking a Masters in Coral Physiology and Behaviour, due to be completed in 2017.

In mid-2016, his publication documenting coral bleaching behaviour using time-lapse videography for the first time went on to become the most downloaded article of all time for the prestigious coral reefs journal. The published images and videos have since spread globally, being viewed over 6 million times and featuring in hundreds of news sources including The Wall St Journal, New York Post, Washington Post, National Geographic, and New Scientist. His research videos have featured in documentaries, museum displays and specials for the Discovery Channel, PBS, Channel 10 and the ABC.

Brett has appeared in television features for the ABC, Channel 10, and Channel 9 here in Australia, while also working with VICE and PBS in the US on feature articles and news documentaries.